4200 - Introductions (Blog 1)

An Introduction

Welcome again, Amirali Mohayaee here. I'll be dedicating this sub-section of this blog to the 4200-specific items, which will be tagged under the 4200 label.

My main goal for starting this blog was as I had mentioned in my initial post on the blog, was and still is to document my work and what I go through and to also comment interesting and relevant articles and information.

While initially I had mentioned a select types of projects back in 2017, I will be deviating from those as they are both outdated and not very viable and attractive as portfolio pieces. I would rather have very good and impressive work-examples to show instead. One can't really learn by not branching or avoiding pitfalls.

What I'd aspire to be is someone with a solid foundational knowledge base and keen eye and discipline for solving problems. I would also like to reach for a high-level understanding in framework development, making use of the right patterns and data types, rather than do what I do now and pollute my code.

The reason why I am looking of focusing on these topics is that they are actually my weak points from my own perspective, but I will go more in depth in a later blog post.



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