
Showing posts from April, 2017


An Introduction to this Blog Hi there, Amirali Mohayaee here. This blog will be a collection of random project and their progress on said projects. Majority of said projects involve a variety of things from physics and AI prototyping to small games. The primary goal of this blog is to try and just dump and showcase whatever worth showcasing from old to new and to have a sort of public diary so that I can document and motivate myself to do better. These projects include: Personal framework using OpenGL old and new. Within the framework there will be a collection Personal framework using DirectX11/Direct3D. I do have plans on migrating to DX12 when the opportunity arises. Projects involving the Unreal Engine 4 development platform used for both prototyping and creating small projects. Projects involving the Unity dev tools, also used for prototyping and also used as a secondary alternative platform to UE4 or as a porting sibling between both dev platforms. Smaller projects...